Some quotes (not precise, but by and large) from the Lords of the Blogosphere panel at SIME06 featuring blogger-entrepreneurs Loic Lemeur, Nico Lummma, Dan Gillmor and Henrik Torstensson. These snippets are shamelessly out of context and the guys said a lot more, but it’s what stuck in my mind:
On the core idea of blogging
“It’s not about mass audience. The majority of bloggers are not in it for the money, they’re in it to communicate. An obscure blog by some obscure person that is only read by their family members is more valuable per person than the most popular blog in the world” -Dan
On blogging in the local language
“I used to blog only in English but I rarely got any comments. These days blogging rocks in France. When I blog in French, hundreds of people attack me :)” -Loic
On how blogging fits in their personal life
“At first my wife was totally against my blogging but then she started a knitting blog” -Nico
“When I play WoW with my 8-year old son, I get killed all the time. It’s a weird experience when he has to come in to save his father.” -Loic
On blogging and marketing
“It’s a little harder for the marketers” -Dan
“You can’t fight agains 60 million people” -Loic
“The best example of a company using blogging to improve their brand was Microsoft and Robert Scoble – a real person instead of the corporation” -Henrik